While formal meetings with supervisors may be unnerving, a culture that encourages frequent, short, informal “check-ins” fosters a climate of collaboration. In this podcast, listeners will learn the supervisory skill of the short “check-in” meeting.
The short “check-in” meeting may look like a supervisor popping by an employee’s open office door and talking candidly with a pleasant demeanor. It might look like sitting in a supervisee’s office chairs while they sit behind the desk, allowing them to have a position of power. With virtual teams, check-ins may look like emails or phone calls. The “check-in” meeting also helps foster an inclusive workplace where everyone’s voice is heard and considered.
The goal of this podcast is for each listener to understand basic supervisory communication skills. Although brief and casual, listeners will learn why “check-ins” get more done than other types of meetings. Listeners will also learn 5 Do’s and 5 Don’ts for supervisor check-ins that they can implement immediately for effective workplace outcomes. This podcast features special guest Joey Austin, President of Hooey Brands.
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